Letusan Gunung Merapi tahun 2006 (BPPTK, Yogyakarta)
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TRIBUNNEWS.COM, YOGYAKARTA-Up Friday (11/05/2010) 0600 eruption has not stopped. Eruption a roar audible boom continued until the radius of 20 kilometers.
Evacuation team consisting of Kopassus TNI and volunteer time found 12 bodies in the district Hargomulyo Cangkringan bolted because of blowing hot clouds came suddenly with a roar.
They headlong away even though the original will lift the corpse was found in the village.
While that is rumored to be swept hamlet Gronggong hot clouds has yet to be reached because the atmosphere is still tense. Residents are prohibited from approaching the Merapi to a radius of 20 kilometers from the summit.
Up to now there are tens of thousands of new refugees that led Gordon UII and stadiums in Sleman Maguwo Harjo has a greater capacity.
Tents, kitchen and sanitary emergency was still in the process of preparing to serve the surge of refugees that reached tens of thousands of lives.
Previous heat clouds shot from the top trim of up to 8 miles and was allegedly led to the south of Sleman. In Klaten and Boyolali also reported the smell of sulfur was overpowering sourced from nearby rivers and ash rain that still fell.
Facebooker of Srumbung subdistrict, Magelang regency Salam district also gripping. Power failure and still it was raining sand and gravel with heavy intensity. Darting lightning and power outages. Many trees collapsed by the blast of wind as well as due to thick ash which flushed.
The twitter, facebookers, volunteers usually reported in minutes per minute conditions were forced off because they also helped to evacuate and stay away. Until now the evacuation team has not dared to get closer to the summit because of Merapi was still spewing hot clouds dangerous. (*)
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