Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Economist: SBY As Lame Duck

Presiden SBY dan Ibu Ani ketika didata petugas untuk pembuatan e-KTP di pendopo Puri Cikeas Indah, Bogor, Jumat (24/2) siang. (foto: abror/

Poll by Ipsos research institute recently ranked Indonesia as one of the happiest countries on earth. From the survey, found that 51 percent of Indonesia was deeply unhappy. The happiness index is Indonesia Ipsos version outperformed a number of other countries, like India, the United States, Germany, Russia, Britain, Saudi Arabia, France, Italy, Russia, China, and South Korea.
Ipsos index is indeed controversial. First, the polls were only involved 19 000 adults from 24 countries. Second, the definition of happiness is not so clearly defined in the polls. Third, to the respondents, led by Didier Truchot Ipsos asked the question whether respondents are very happy (very happy), somewhat happy (rather happy), not so happy (not very happy) and not happy at all (not happy at all).Fourth, the poll is also not visible link between the ability or purchasing power per capita of happiness. Something that is difficult to imagine at the time the money was one of "core beliefs" of modern society. For the case of Indonesia, not all, or almost everything, is measured by money?
With a purchasing power parity or purchasing power per capita in 2011 U.S. dollars for 4700, Indonesia was in the first place. Beat Mexico in third place with 42 percent of people happy and purchasing power per capita of 15,000 U.S. dolas. Australia who have the purchasing power per capita of 40,000 U.S. dollars or the United States who have the purchasing power per capita of 48 000 U.S. dollars are also under Indonesia. Each with 28 percent and 27 percent of people happy.Or South Korea who have the purchasing power per capita of U.S. $ 31 800 mentioned only have less than 10 percent of people happy.Regardless of the debate on the Ipsos poll, the world's leading economy magazine The Economist in a recent editorial also published in the online version of the estimate, or rather ensure, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is Indonesia were among those who were happy."After a thrilling victory in the elections (presidential) 2009, slipping naturally SBY position. At least in recent months, "wrote The Economist.In that year's presidential election in SBY getting support by 61 percent, making it easy to conquer with Jusuf Kalla and Megawati Sukarnoputri. But late last year, public support for SBY, according to one poll, only 42 percent. In fact, in a poll held by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) recently noted the absence of government restrictions on the period, only 17.3 percent of respondents who chose SBY.On the other hand, The Economist highlighted the poor performance of the Democrats who dibesut SBY. In the 2009 elections, the party to gain a significant voice, by 21 percent. It's kind of a remarkable leap of votes in previous elections that only 7 percent.In a recent poll quoted by The Economist also seen how the party is now led by Anas Urbaningrum seyogiyanya it only has a popularity of 13.7 percent.To illustrate the adverse conditions experienced by the Democratic Party, The Economist found it necessary to quote the statement of one party's top brass, Hayono Isman, who before joining the Democratic Party is known as the Golkar Party dedengkot.According Hayono, the Democratic Party was "the greatest challenge in history."According to The Economist there are two main things that makes both SBY and the Democratic Party slipped in such a way. First, is the issue of corruption is wrapped around a number of party officials were making to gain the party's public humiliation. Second, a strong public perception about the inability SBY, or in other words, the public tends to think of SBY to lose authority.Not only that, The Economist openly called SBY now looks like a lame duck lame duck alias."Barely half-way through his second term, Mr Yudhoyono already looks like a lame duck," wrote The Economist.Ministers are supposed to help SBY seemed to ignore him, because each of them has been focus on the upcoming presidential election.SBY's inability to take decisive action, especially for the people around him, both in cabinet and in the Democratic Party, the day will further weaken his authority. This will make Yudhoyono, a former military general, not able to perform the necessary reforms of this nation.What will be done SBY after reading this assessment of The Economist?

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